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Hear from our past clients, and know you are in the best hands with us at Sphynx Canada Kittens!

I love getting feedback from my clients. As a professional Cat Breeder, I’m proud to have gained the trust of my valued clients. They can be sure to rely on me with taking amazing care of their pets, and showering them with the amount of affection they are used to. Read below to see what’s been said about Sphynx Canada Kittens.

Happy kitten in new home

Stu! He’s just the most loving, best cat ever!  I love him so much! He’s so affectionate and cuddly and social! I’ve only ever had cats who were very cranky lol
Katlyn S.

Katlyn  S. October 2020

White kitten loving his new iwner

Our little Sphynx boy, whom we've named Navarre, is doing wonderful!!!! he's eating very well and he and my adult cat Grayson are already showing promise of a potential friendship!!!!I am completely and utterly in love with him and can't wait to show off his progression to adulthood!!!  We can't thank you enough for our new family member.

Charlene Ro, June 6, 2017

Happy Sphynx kitten

Hi Susan I just wanted to thank you for providing me with such a lovely kitten. Edgar is great! He doesn't quite like the dog yet - my dog tends to be of the too happy, too licky kind. I'm sure they'll get along after a few days. What else can I say Edgar is absolutely beautiful and even though I've just been with him for a few hours I can tell he's going to be a silly kitty.

Lexi M., June 6, 2017


October 2019 ..Good Morning Susan! Le’Veon is “1” today.  Just want to send another heart felt Thank You!! He has brought so much Love and Snuggles to our house!  He truly is the King of our Castle. ❤️

Julie C

Happy kitten

Thank you so much Susan for taking the time with me and John when picking up our new baby girl Isis and answering all our question we had. You were the most pleasant and knowledgeable person, Isis was great on the ride home she enjoyed looking out the window and exploring in the car. She is such a cuddle bug she loves kiss and being cuddled up in her blanket and around people all the time. I give Susan credit for all the love and time she spent with these babies too make the so loveable to their new families. I would and have  recommend Susan and her cattery to anyone looking to embrace the love and affection from a Sphynx cat. Looking forward to purchasing a new baby sphynx kitten from you in the near future.
Thank you again Susan for everything

Gwen H.  October 2019

Eva the Sphynx kitten

I have one of Susan's kittens.  Her name is Eva.  I couldn't believe how friendly Eva was when we picked her up.  She plays and gets into all kinds of mischief.  We nick named her "Evil".  We love her so much

Karen H. Nov. 2019

Pony’s the Sphynx cat

I’ll also take this opportunity to thank you again for both of our beautiful cats. Ponyo and Poko are both so different and so wonderful and they’ve really made us so happy to get to be the ones who care for them. Being sphynx parents is truly the best thing that’s happened for us and make our house a home. Thank you again. Regards, Erin and Jeffry. Nov 10, 2019

Erin and Jeffry. Nov 10,2019


thank you so much for breeding these magnificent darlings and ensuring we got such an intimately close pair. i finally have cats back in my life and gerry is just elated at how impossibly perfect the experience has already been for her

Stephen W.  Jan 20, 2020

Sphynx kitten getting cuddles

Hello Susan, 

    Just thought I would reach out and give you an update on the female kitten we got from you last june, as it's almost been a year since we got this precious girl.  We named her Nala and she is absolutely amazing, she is the most cuddly and affectionate girl , she has adopted our three year old son as her favorite and we always find them cuddled together or her sleeping right next to him.  We are amazed daily with her temperament and absolutely love love her.  Thank you so much for raising such amazing temperament and amazing cats. 

Louise E.

From Saskatchewan

June 5th, 2020

Scott the Sphynx kitten

Hello Susan 😊 Just wanted to give you an update on Scott so you can have a great happy ending story. Scott is an absolute joy, the sweetest, most loving kitten around. He loves to cuddle with us and our dog Jax and play with our other cat Gary. We could not imagine how much love a Sphynx cat would bring to our household. He is just perfect in every way 😻

Caitlin N.  July 2020


Hi Susan, I just wanted to update you on our sweet sweet Dobby. He is just the absolute best and has stolen our hearts.

Renee October 2020

Zingy the Sphynx kitten

Just brought my new little bundle home about 5 days ago...he is so loving and wants to snuggle with my dogs...I have three Chinese Cresteds and was worried about him as he was so tiny....
Took my time and socialized him and everyone is getting along fine...Susan was very helpful answering my questions and posting pictures weekly so I could see his growth...
I even went down for a quick visit to see him in person..My Ziggy is healthy and very loving and wants attention...I would highly recommend Susan to get your next naked kitty...

Jean F., April 27, 2018

Jasmine the Sphynx in her new dress

We would like to thank Susan for giving our family this precious gift, our family is in love. She was very informative and very helpful with anything we needed through the whole process. Jasmine is in her forever home now! Thank you Susan

Joanna H.  January 2021

Charlie the sphynx

Charlie enjoying his Saturday-morning on the balcony w his mommy reading the paper at his side.

Martie P.  June 2021

Red Sphynx boy

I’m writing this letter of recommendation for Susan Bradley Monteleone, owner and breeder of cattery.
We had never owned a cat before, let alone a specialty breed like a sphinx so we were a little apprehensive about the adoption process. 
I found Susan’s website and was very impressed with the detail and content as well as her credentials and glowing recommendations. 
Susan was always available and open to answer any and all questions we had during the adoption process no matter how trivial or simple they were and always responded in a timely manner.
The best part for us was picking up our female kitten at 12 weeks of age, who we adoringly named Mew. From the moment Susan brought her out to us, and we saw her, we were completely smitten with her. We were so surprised at how she took to us and trusted us from the very first day. 
I credit Susan for this as we knew from her website that her kittens are handled and cared for by Susan and her family. She was 100 percent litter box trained, slept through the night and has never been aggressive or destructive. It was like all of our training was done for us . She is in perfect health as well and Susan continues to be a wonderful resource and support for us whenever we need her . 
I would highly recommend Susan Monteleone and her cattery to anyone. We were so happy with our experience. 
Heather Winkler

Heather W. 2021

Hi Susan it’s Lea I. Toby’s mom !! I cannot thank you enough for our precious kitty from you ! I have not been so entertained as I am with him ! Toby fit right in with the other cats and the two dogs from day one . His best buddy is Lupo our silver tabby but plays with all cats alike. Toby comes running when I call his name has never had an accident outside of the litter box and is such a snuggler thank you again for thinking of me when his other mom couldn’t accept him !

Lea I.  December 11, 2019

Sphynx kitten with hairy friend
Sphynx kitten sleeping with little girl

This little guy arrived yesterday after a long flight and it didn't take him long to find a new friend.

New Owner, May 18, 2017

Pink the sphynx

Hi Susan, three years has passed since I got pink from you and I just thought that you would love to see what she looks like at three years old. She is beautiful, wonderful, loveable ,passionate and the most adorable Little girl.Thank God she is very healthy, eats very well, and I absolutely love her.
I am glad you are still in the business of breading these beautiful Sphynx cats. 
By the way pink thanks you for sending her to such an amazing home!

Roz, Jan 13, 2017

Abby the sphynx

I wanted to send you an update on our beautiful, seal point, Abbi. She was from a July 23rd 2015 litter that we received last October.
Abbi rules the roost! She's healthy, despises her vet, hates the car, dislikes bathing and refuses our efforts to keep her hygiene regular. That said, she sucks it all up like a champ. Her vocals are much the same as a Siamese and she chirps when spoken to. She adores her housemate and best friend, Tau, she loves chasing fast bugs and stealing items that fit in her mouth so that she can hide them and/or play with them later. Her favorite spot is on top of the keurig where she warms her butt or on top of the water cooler so she can watch the bubbles. 
She is spoiled, loved and hilariously naughty! We can't imagine being without her.

Michelle, November 2016

White sassy sphynx

Hi Susan,
This is Nina. I got my Harper from you back in March. 
I just wanted to reach out to you again to tell you how much I absolutely adore her!
She is perfect for me. I am on disability and have hurt my back so badly that back surgery is imminent. I don't have a lot of mobility and I spend a lot of time alone. All I wanted was a cat companion. And that's exactly what I have: My sweet girl is happy just being beside me. I take her wherever I go; and wherever I am, she is NEVER more than 10 feet away. She sleeps beside me every night, moving her body usually so that her head is touching mine as we fall asleep. She is more loyal than any animal that I have ever owned. She is so smart and has the sweetest, most loving temperament. She sits on her blanket beside me quietly in the car
She is hilarious and mischievous, which is a quality I REALLY wanted, and has to check out everything (and try to play with it, if possible!).
With my sister's 2 older cats, she has been a little shit-disturber and it makes me laugh because she has this idea about herself that she's a big, tough kitty; while really she's such a tiny, little one, whose meows are more like cute, little squeaks!
Anyway, I have been meaning to say this for awhile. Thank you so much for bringing us together! I sing your praises every chance I get! I love my Sphynx's much. I don't know what I would ever do without her. She is my treasure

Nina, October 2016

Beautiful white Sphynx

I just have to thank you again.  She is doing great and she is such an amazing little cat.  She loves it here and she makes people and animals alike love her.  She is still a little hesitant with our boxer that won't quit kissing her but other than that she's having a great time!!  She's the most affectionate and playful kitty I ever met.

Thank you for everything.   Also we just love him.

Misty, September 11, 2016

Oscar the sphynx

I just wanted to thank you for my little baby Oscar. He settled into his new home with no issues, plays with ABSOLUTELY everything, loves his new brother Oliver (who's a Boston Terrier) and loves to run around like lightning.  His little personality is amazing too!  He's so affectionate, LOVES to snuggle, he's corky and does little jumps/hops while running and is the boss of the dog.   THANK YOU so much for him!

Joshua, August 2016

Sphynx dressed up

Thank you so much Susan for taking the time with me and John when picking up our new baby girl Isis and answering all our question we had. You were the most pleasant and knowledgeable person, Isis was great on the ride home she enjoyed looking out the window and exploring in the car. She is such a cuddle bug she loves kiss and being cuddled up in her blanket and around people all the time. I give Susan credit for all the love and time she spent with these babies too make the so loveable to their new families. I would and have  recommend Susan and her cattery to anyone looking to embrace the love and affection from a Sphynx cat. Looking forward to purchasing a new baby sphynx kitten from you in the near future.

Thank you again Susan for everything.

Gwen, June 2015

Teddy the Sphynx kitten

Hi Susan,

We just wanted to thank you again for our beautiful kitten Teddy. The car ride back from Windsor to Toronto was surprisingly easy; Teddy sitting on my lap the entire way! The minute we arrived home she was running around and exploring her new home. She is inquisitive, outgoing and doesn't seem to be afraid of anything! She is friendly to new faces and already recognizes ours. We could not be more happy and thankful to you for raising her so well. She has such an appetite and her favourite spot is perched on our shoulders. Tonight she had her first bath and it went better than expected. Teddy is truly everything we expected and more. We love her so much and she fits right into our small family.

Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Sonia & Kabir, August 2014

Sassy Pants the sphynx

Hey Susan,

Sassy Pants's mom here. Wanted to send you a new photo of our little girl.
She's been a real joy, and wonderful addition to our family; my husband and I couldn't be more pleased. We're smitten!

She's just about 9 months old now, and is quite a pretty kitty! Her markings and colouring have matured beautifully. She's the best looking Sphynx I've seen  (though perhaps I am bias!)
She's a real handful sometimes; certainly living up to her name! When she's not tearing around the house getting into everything, she's a real cuddle-bug (she's currently plying my neck with kisses, as I compose this email!) She wants to be with us all the time, "helping" with everything we do, and even perching on my shoulder, curiously looking on as I make dinner.

We're considering toilet training, any suggestions? They recommend using treats as a reward, but we've been very strict with her diet, only feeding her the vet cat food (though that doesn't stop her from trying to get at our people food!) are there any available cat treats that won't upset her delicate digestion?

Thanks for your input

Carrie P, April 4 2014

Pharaoh the sphynx

Hello Susan

We just wanted to give you an update as to how Pharaoh is doing.  He is had brought so much joy to our family!  My son absolutely adores him and thanks us continually for getting him.  We cannot thank you enough for him and your dedication to the breed is very evident when you see Pharaoh's beauty and personality.  He is the most loving and affectionate cat we have ever seen.

Laurie, August 29, 2016

Caroline the Sphynx in new sweater

Hi Susan,

Here's a picture of Caroline in her new sweater. She's done a lot in the past few days and is settling in wonderfully. She went to work with me at the clinic yesterday and got an exam by the doctor, socialized with a lot of different people and got to meet new cats. Since we are an all-cat clinic we let our boarding cats wander around freely if they like other cats. She did excellent and people were commenting on how well socialized she is. I wanted her to get used to the vet being a pleasant experience without getting poked with a needle every time.

She has become comfortable with and snuggles with the dogs already. Esther isn't ready to share her bed yet but she is no longer hissing at her. She spent most of today playing with toys and taking breaks to get a snack and nap on my lap. Again, thanks so much. She's just perfect in every way!

Cathy, March, 2016

Bare ar do the sphyn

I have gotten 2 beautiful cats from Susan.One was Barenardo,my "heart" kitty,who is now 15.Bare is a wonderful boy with the absolute sweetest disposition.He always wants to snuggle under the blankets with me .My other cat was Mini,a pretty little girl whom I sadly lost when she turned 13.I live in Nova Scotia and Susan is in Ontario.There were no problems with the shipping process at all.I still have the little plush bear that Susan sent with Barenardo in his crate.She has always been available to answer any questions I have had,and she liked to receive the pictures I would send of Bare and Mini.I would not hesitate to get another kitty from her when the time comes.

Leslie, January 2016

Loki Mischief the Sphynx cat

Susan, we couldn't possibly be happier with Loki! He came home on
December 21, 2013 - since that day, my life has felt more complete. He
is the sweetest, most mischievous little guy ever; in fact, his
registered name is "Loki Mischief". He's strong and playful and a real
little sweetheart; he loves cuddles and kisses, and crawls into bed with
us every night. He's currently trying to make friends with our
Greyhound, and is becoming more talkative by the day. He's just
beautiful, and I feel blessed on a daily basis that he's our boy. I have
to thank you for the wonderful gift you've given my family, including
the ongoing communication. It's such a delight to know that any time I
have a question, or just want to say hi and update you, you're
available. I can honestly say that if the day ever comes that we'd like
to add to our Sphynx family, I wouldn't hesitate to give you a call!

Tabitha, March 16, 2014

Chocolate point Sphynx kitten

Hi Susan!

I just wanted to let you know how well the (yet to be named) kitten is doing.
He has literally changed our lives, we are in LOVE.  Not only us, but the dogs love him too! He is just the sweetest, friendliest, funniest, lovable creature on the earth and we could not be more enchanted with him. He is completely fearless, completely comfortable in any situation, truly a remarkable animal.  I cannot believe I waited this long, we will never again be without a Sphynx in our family.  If our new kitten will be anything like this guy, we will be ecstatic.

Thank you so much!  Please send us some pics of the new litter once they are a little more "photogenic"!

Talk soon!

Laurie, Greg and Ciera, October 9, 2013

Dexter a white Sphynx cat

Hey Susan,

Just wanted to give you an update on Dexter.  Dexter turned 2, February 14th, 2013.  We are so lucky to have him in our family.  His kind, gently manner is unmatched.  His favorite activity is to snuggle up in clothes that are just being taken out of the dryer.  He loves to eat and each morning at 6 am sharp, will kindly remind you that he is ready for breakfast.  He loves attention and will lock himself in a room if he does not feel that he is getting enough.  He knows that I will always rescue him :).  Thank you so much for being Dexter's first Mom and allowing this ray of continual sunshine to be in our life.  We are ever grateful.

Take care.

Mike and Abby, April 6 2013

Sphynx twins

Hello !!  Just want to thank you and let you know that all is well with "the boys" that were shipped to us in Seatte, WA,  in June 2008.  Mr Toad (Toadie) and Mr Bare (Barry) are ALWAYS together, and we are so glad we got them both.   Our dog is their favorite family member, they love, love, love him.  They came out of their crates from the airport, ignoring us, they  made a bee-line to our  Rottie-mix, Mr Badger,  as he was on a "down-stay" on the far side of the room.   For a long time he would just hold very still and kept looking at us for reassurance that he was doing the right thing, but now he just gives in and licks the tops of their heads. 
   Miss Mouse, our tiny 9 year old female Sphinx, is tolerant of the boys, and snuggles with them,  but goes out of her way to whack Mr Badger now and then.  

Noemi & Noah, February 28, 2013

Cordelia the Sphynx kitten

Hi Susan,

Just an update to let you know how Cordelia is doing.
We are amazed at how affectionate she is and the way she always wants to be with you. My two other cats are warming up to her, and even run around and play with her on occasion.
What an awesome kitten.

Rob G, November 2012

Horus the Sphynx cat on a computer

Hello Susan,

As you can see, Horus is a happy and beautiful addition to the family.

He has been a joy. Comes when called by name, Is so easy to care for.

Thanks so much for him.

Kathy L, October 2012

Daisy, retired Sphynx mom

Just wanted to update you on how Daisy is doing.  As you know, I live and work at a boarding prep school, and Daisy is a hit with the kids!  The kids I work with are 12-18 years old, but the school has kids from Kindergarten to grade 12.  Daisy was recently the feature in a grade 3 show and tell - which she loved because all of the kids calmly lined up to pet her and give her a treat.  I often bring her with me to work, which usually involves me sitting in an office with students popping in and out for whatever reason.  Daisy has a cat tree and a bed in there and she usually can be found staring out the window or sitting on my papers.

Jill  - October 2012 

Sphynx cat under the covers

Hi Susan

Harry and Harrison are doing great! They are happy and outgoing boys! They constantly keep us laughing and entertained with their silly antics. They are so friendly and always in the mood for a snuggle! Your ongoing support has been fantastic and very much appreciated!

Thank you for everything! 

Melanie - August 21, 2012 

New litter of Sphynx kittens

Hi Susan,

Thank you so much for everything.  Daisy's doing great here, she's eating fine, won't stop purring and is unbelievably cuddly.  I know you told me she was a friendly girl, I had no idea she would be so loving.  I finally managed to get a picture of her! (Of course she's sleeping in it...)  I have to remember not to just sit on a blanket without checking for her wrapped up in there first.  My sister-in-law came over to visit yesterday and she loves her, thinks she's so cool and is going to talk to her boyfriend about getting a sphynx too - I have referred her to your website. 

Jill C, June 2012

pasha the Sphynx kitten

Our kitten Pasha is doing wonderfully. She was very inquisitive and friendly right from the time we got her home, and her disposition has only gotten more so. We are so in love with her.

She loves nestling in blankets on our couch to sleep at night, and otherwise prefers a lap to sit on whenever available. We have had no issues with her food or digestion and she has always used the litter pan and scratch post provided. We get the feeling she is quite intelligent, we only had to show her once.

We bathed her yesterday as she was getting quite oily, she wasn't thrilled, but suffered us doing it. She emerged much softer and pinker!

Overall we are very happy with our little darling and would be happy to be a reference for you. We will send pictures of her later today.

Client - January 2012 

Ren a Sphynx Canada kitten

Ren has been a wonderful addition to my family. My nephew and niece adore her and are constantly inviting their friends to play with her. The first night she was with me, she curled up under my chin, put her face on my cheek and promptly fell asleep. She's absolutely adorable!  She's very playful and super friendly and boy can she purr up a storm !  

I had absolutely no problems getting her to use her litter. I took her to New York and she would come sit in the hotel lobby with me and was on best behaviour. She would even let me know when she needed to use her litter and wait till we got up to the room. Peoples reactions to her were brilliant! And I'm pretty sure there are a few who are now going to get a sphynx kitten after having met her.  

She's constantly wanting to cuddle and such a smart little girl. I even taught her how to kiss ! She rubs her nose on yours and sometimes gives you a quick lick ;) . She follows me everywhere around the house . . she's almost like a dog in a cats body only better. Thank you Susan, for giving me such a wonderful, beautiful , healthy, playful , adorable kitten. She's charmed the pants off everyone who's met her. 

For anyone out there thinking of getting one . . I highly recommend getting one from Susan. They're not as high maintenance as people would have you believe. Yes, you have to bath them once a week, and they are more delicate than other cats. But they're absolutely wonderful ! And Susan has been brilliant :) 

Once again, Thanks Susuan :)

LouLou - August, 2011 

Sphynx Canada kittens playing

Hi Susan,

   Thank-you so much for our recent additions to our family. With us both working in the veterinary field we do see a lot of kittens. We have never been happier with the purchase of our 2 new kittens. They have been a huge pleasure for the entire family. Their health and disposition is PURR-FECT! They have brought us hours of entertainment. Your socialization before we got them is great. They are not shy or timid with company, or when we take them to work at the veterinary hospital.
   I want to Thank-you from our hearts for these two perfect angels.  I am attaching a few images we have of them and if you want we can send more as
they grow.

Michele & Ken Langelier, May 2009

They are doing wonderfully and are fully integrated into our family life

The dogs have decided they should stay and they are fun to play with- and i cannot get over how intelligent and fearless they are 

they are inseparable from each other, like twins and when the little girl snagged her nail on something and cried out because she got scared bc her paw was stuck in her bed by the window and bit her tongue- the boy darted over to see if she was okay- he's lived up to his name sake- Batman 

Jenny C.  October 2024

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